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Poppy Field

For details on how to book a resource, please contact the club secretary.


1.  Beekeeping study notes ( modules 5.6.7.& 8 ).  by JD & BD Yates
2 . The Honey Bee around and about.   by Celia Davis
3.  Queen Rearing - simplified.  by Vince Cook
4.  Bees and Beekeeping.  by F.R Cheshire
5.  Practical Beekeeping.  by Clive de Bruyn.
6.  Swarming biology and control.  by  Wally Shaw
7.  Practical Microscopy for beginners.  by Bob Maurer
8.  Discovering Beekeeping.  by Daphne More
9.  Breeding techniques and selection for breeding of the honeybees.  by F.Ruttner
10. BBKA Guide to Beekeeping.  ( 2 copies) by I. Davis & R. Cullum-Kenyon
11. The Complete and easy guide to beekeeping.  by Kim Flottum
12. Beekeeping for profit and pleasure.  by A.Webb
13. BBKA Yearbook 2013 - 2014
14. BBKA Yearbook 2015 - 2016
15. A Guide to bees and honey. ( 2 copies )  by Ted Hooper
16. Keeping bees.  by J.Vivian
17. Bees at the bottom of the garden.  by A.Campion
18. Keeping Bees - a complete practical guide.  by P.Peacock
19. Honey Bees - A guide to management.  by Ron Brown
20. Wisdom for Bees.  by J.E Tew
21. The Bee Book.  by F.Chadwick et al
22. BBKA Members Handbook
23. Beekeeping.  by Frank Vernon
24. The Beekeepers field guide.  by D.Cramp
25. Getting started in Beekeeping.  by. A & C Waring
26. Bee-Keeping.  by A.N Schofield
27. BBKA Directory 2017
28. Bee-keeping.  by P.Gregory & C.Waring
29. Haynes Bee Manual.  by C & A Waring
30. BBKA Healthy Hive Guide.
31. SBKA Honey recipe book.   (3 copies)
32. Honey Bee Democracy.  Thomas Seeley

Swarm of Bees

Norwich & District Beekeepers Association

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